Welcome to Minyan Atara!
Welcome to Minyan Atara! We are a traditional egalitarian minyan that meets the 1st and 3rd (and occasionally the 5th) Shabbat mornings and the 3rd Friday night of the month in Crown Heights. Our services include spirited davening and an informal atmosphere. For many of us, Atara is at the center of our religious and spiritual practice and is a significant part of our social lives. In a world where meaningful, close-knit communities can be increasingly difficult to come by, that is no small thing. We look to Atara for vibrant, lay-led Shabbat and holiday services, beautiful singing and thoughtful Divrei Torah (Torah teachings), fun events, a place where we can be our most authentic Jewish selves, for friends in an isolating time, and of course for epic kiddushes!
While Atara operates on a lean budget, we need money to serve this wonderful community. Typical Atara expenses include Kiddush, ritual objects, Torah upkeep, space rental from time to time, and tzedakah for those in our community in need. We welcome donations of any amount.
We welcome donations of any amount, but here’s a sense of what your support can make happen for the Atara community:
● $360 Holiday Event
● $180 Shabbat Kiddush
● $72 Hot Cider Spiking
● $36 Ritual Supplies
● $10 “Welcome to Atara” Signage
To contribute, please follow the link. Donations are not tax-deductible.
Community Resources
Traditional Egalitarian Davening in the Neighborhood
We love our fellow minyanim in the neighborhood and think our community is most vibrant when we work together. This resource page lists other traditional egalitarian minyanim in the area and includes a calendar of everyone’s services.
Leor and Gabriela's Unoffish Guide to Trad Egal Jewish Crown Heights/Prospect Heights/North Slope
If you’re new to the area or just want to know a bit more about traditional egalitarian davening